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  1. BillFreeman

    Comment by 'BillFreeman' in media 'Police Meeting [Lock your Cop Cars!] .jpg'

    I'm one of those gamers that don't care about quality just performance If I get over 100 FPS and great stability I don't care about how the game looks lol.
  2. ....jpg


  3. Crazy Traffic Jam.jpg

    Crazy Traffic Jam.jpg

  4. I Can Smell The Burned Bodys.jpg

    I Can Smell The Burned Bodys.jpg

  5. OMG Call The Fire Dpt..jpg

    OMG Call The Fire Dpt..jpg

  6. They.. are.. dead.jpg

    They.. are.. dead.jpg

  7. Breach Training.jpg

    Breach Training.jpg

    At O'Nell Farm
  8. Aerst Training.jpg

    Aerst Training.jpg

    At Mission Row
  9. Checkpoint Blocking casino, underseige.jpg

    Checkpoint Blocking casino, underseige.jpg

    Near Casino
  10. Fighing Over a chair.jpg

    Fighing Over a chair.jpg

    At Mission Row
  11. Ineragion Training.jpg

    Ineragion Training.jpg

    At Mission Row
  12. Officer down [Sandy PD] .jpg

    Officer down [Sandy PD] .jpg

    At Sandy PD, got taken down by Jesus's Twin Brother.
  13. Officer Injured by Tony Hawk, Tony Hawk Goes to Prison.jpg

    Officer Injured by Tony Hawk, Tony Hawk Goes to Prison.jpg

    At Mirror Park
  14. Police Meeting [Lock your Cop Cars!] .jpg

    Police Meeting [Lock your Cop Cars!] .jpg

    At Vine Wood hills PD
  15. Sniper Shoots at officers, injering 5.jpg

    Sniper Shoots at officers, injering 5.jpg

    Infront of Simions Car Shop
  16. We Got the Super Heros!.jpg

    We Got the Super Heros!.jpg

    At Sandy Circul
  17. We Got Them.jpg

    We Got Them.jpg

    Infront of Simions Car Shop on the bridge
  18. Damn this is some advanced sh*t

    Damn this is some advanced sh*t

  19. Pray for old Jeff got shot 13 times and lost his PostOP Van while delivering gifts

    Pray for old Jeff got shot 13 times and lost his PostOP Van while delivering gifts

  20. Wow that cop got some skills

    Wow that cop got some skills